Maryland Law Resources

Maryland Reports publishes the official full texts of opinions of the Court of Appeals of Maryland, which is the highest court in Maryland. Maryland Appellate Reports publishes the official full text of opinions of the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland, an intermediate appellate court created in 1966.

There is an annual index in the last volume of each year's cumulation. References are to page numbers in that cumulation. However, the Maryland Digest, 2nd provides a much more detailed subject index cumulated back to the earlier period. The same subject headings and key numbers are used in both.

Citation Format

Maryland Reports is abbreviated Md., while Maryland Appellate Reports is abbreviated Md. App.

A complete citation includes the volume, title, and page number (e.g. 204 Md 92)

(1) Print Works - Onsite Access

Call Number: KFM1245 .A2

LOCATIONS: Hornbake Library Maryland Room Maryland Reference (1947-present)
McKeldin Library Periodicals Stacks (1962-2007)

Call Number: KFM1248 .M35

LOCATIONS: Hornbake Library Maryland Room Maryland Reference (1967-present)
McKeldin Library Periodical Stacks (1967-2007)