Title Research handbook on privacy and data protection law : values, norms and global politics / edited by Gloria González Fuster (Research Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium and Co-Director of VUB's Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS) Research Group), Rosamunde Van Brakel (Associate Professor, Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT), Tilburg University, the Netherlands and Assistant Professor, VUB, Belgium) and Paul De Hert (Professor, VUB, Belgium and Associate Professor, TILT, Tilburg University, the Netherlands).
Added Author González-Fuster, Gloria, editor.Contents: Introduction to research handbook on privacy and data protection law / Gloria González Fuster, Rosamunde Van Brakel and Paul De Hert
Part I: Geographical perspectives
1. Privacy and data protection in Europe: Council of europe's convention 108+ and the European Union's GDPr / Cécile de Terwangne
2. Post-brexit data protection in the uk - leaving the EU but not eu data protection law behind / Karen McCullagh
3. Understanding American privacy / Neil Richards, Andrew Serwin and Tyler Blake
4. The justiciability of data privacy issues in Europe and the us / Karlijn van den Heuvel and Joris van Hoboken
5. Canadian privacy law and the post war freedom of information paradigm / Jonathon W. Penney
6. Data protection laws in Japan / Hiroshi Miyashita
7. Data protection in Latin America / Mónica Arenas Ramiro
Part II: Inter-and trans-disciplinary perspectives on privacy and data protection
8. Social values and privacy law and policy / Priscilla M. Regan
9. Media and communication studies, privacy and public values: Future challenges / Jo Pierson
10. From law to engineering: A computer science perspective on privacy and data protection / Ninja Marnau and Christoph Sorge
11. Privacy, data protection, and security studies / Matthias Leese
12. Data protection and consumer protection: The empowerment of the citizen-consumer / Damian Clifford
13. Data protection and competition law: The dawn of 'uberprotection' / Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna and Sînziana Ianc
Part III: Hot topics in privacy and data protection
14. Privacy, data protection and the role of European courts: Towards judicialisation and constitutionalisation of european privacy and data protection framework / Maja Brkan
15. Surveillance at the borders: Travellers and their data protection rights / Diana Dimitrova
16. Big data and data protection / Alessandro Mantelero
17. Data protection and children's online privacy / Valerie Steeves and Milda Mačėnaitė
18. Biometric data processing: Is the legislator keeping up or just keeping up appearances? / E.J. Kindt
19. Co-regulation and competitive advantage in the GDPr: Data protection certification mechanisms, codes of conduct and data protection-by-design / Maximilian von Grafenstein
20. Automated decision-making and data protection in Europe / Gianclaudio Malgieri
Summary "This Research Handbook is an insightful overview of the key rules, concepts and tensions in privacy and data protection law. It highlights the increasing global significance of this area of law, illustrating the many complexities in the field through a blend of theoretical and empirical perspectives. Providing an excellent in-depth analysis of global privacy and data protection, it explores multiple regional and national jurisdictions, bringing together interdisciplinary international contributions from Europe and beyond. Chapters cover critical topics in the field, including key features of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), border surveillance, big data, artificial intelligence, and biometrics. It also investigates the relationship between privacy and data protection law and other fields of law, such as consumer law and competition law. With its detailed exploration and insights into privacy and data protection, this Research Handbook will prove a useful resource for information and media law students as well as academics researching fields such as data protection and privacy law and surveillance or security studies"-- Provided by publisher.