Word Options (Advanced)

Use advanced Word options to customize editing tasks, document display, printing preferences, and more.

To choose your advanced Word options, select File > Options, and on the left pane, select Advanced.

Editing options

Set up the way you select, replace, and format words and paragraphs.

Word 2013 editing options

Cut, copy, and paste

Choose how you want to paste content and formatting within the same document or between different documents and apps.

Word 2013 cut, copy, and paste options

Image Size and Quality

Apply image size and quality settings for an open document or for all new documents.

Word 2013 image size and quality options

Allow custom formatting and labels to stay with data points, even if the chart changes.

Word 2013 chart options

Show document content

Choose formatting, text, and image options.

Word 2013 show document content options

Choose a measurement format, show scrolling bars, and select the number of documents shown in the Recent Documents list.

Word 2013 display options

Optimize the appearance of the hard-copy version of the document or change your printer paper size.

Word 2013 print options

Save backup copies, automatically save changes to templates, or allow backup saves.

Word 2013 save options

Preserve fidelity when sharing this document

Make sure the look of your document is preserved when you share the document with someone who uses a different version of Word.

Word 2013 preserve fidelity options

Among the options in this section, you can change where Word saves your changes by selecting File Locations . Or choose to open documents in Draft view.

Word 2013 General options

Layout options for:

Modify the layout, such as character spacing, for an open document or all new documents.