What the yellow phase means for Philadelphia

This post was updated to reflect the new activities permitted on June 26.

the philadelphia skyline from the south street bridge in the morning

Philadelphians have successfully flattened the curve, and the city will enter a modified version of the state’s yellow phase on June 5. However, COVID-19 is still spreading in the city, and any contact poses a risk.

Our Safer at Home reopening plan provides details about how we’ll gradually reopen and the shared responsibilities we all have to keep up our progress.

The name of the plan is purposeful: You are still safer at home when it comes to avoiding infection of COVID-19 and stopping the spread to others.

As the city begins to reopen, we want to continue our progress in limiting COVID-19 cases. That means committing to these three things any time you are outside the home:

Update: New for yellow phase

These activities can resume on June 26, while Philadelphia is still in the yellow phase:

Personal activities/behavior

The basics

As some restrictions loosen, Philadelphians will have more reasons to go out and come in contact with others. While we want to restart our economy, we also want to be safe and keep each other healthy. It’s up to all of us to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Guidance and restrictions